Orceaus The Conquerer (A story on Cephesus the king.) By: Mikey Canon Cephesus was once a great king. That is, until now. His land had gone bad. A giant tremor had caused a crack in the ground. That started inside his castle out to the sea. His crops had died because of a great forest fire which came after the tremor. And the tremor's force caused for a humongous wave to crash down and kill everyone of his subjects, or villagers. Or so he thought. For there was one last villager by the name of Orceaus*, who thought that all of this misfortune was brought to his family by the bad king. He escaped the ghost village to train with the warriors of Ares in Sparta. There he trained for three years. He know knew how to fight with a sword, spear, ax, and bow, and stored all of them in a magical sack blessed by the god Hermes that stores an infinite amount of items in it, as long as they can fit. As he was walking up the flights of forlorn steps, he almost took pity on Cephesus. Orceaus was in the room with Cephesus now, and as he walked up to the king, Cephesus turned around from his open position. “Do not worry, I want to die. So I will put a curse on you that whatever you hit will be sent flying into the heavens.” the king said deeply. And with that, he spoke a few words. And Orceaus took his ax and hit it's side at Cephesus. He was sent through the walls, and you could see his tiny arms flailing as he cried, “Thank you!!!”. He was gone with a twinkle in the sky, and that night, Orceaus looked up into the sky, and saw the king with his scepter in hand, smiling down on him. *We don't know how he lived, he was just there.